Being a writer-composer-producer today means practising your instrument, building a network, ensuring promotion and diversifying your income... Slash - Program trained eight emerging artists to become the main players in their careers.

Nowadays, being a song­writer-pro­du­cer means being multi-task­ing : practising its instru­ment, devel­op­ing its career, integ­rat­ing net­work of pro­fes­sion­als, pro­mot­ing its pro­ject, diver­si­fy­ing rev­en­ue streams, man­aging copy­rights, under­stand­ing and deal­ing with new digit­al practices. Nowadays, being a song­writer-pro­du­cer is to be a key influ­en­cer and the major stake­hold­er of its career.

Slash is an apprenticeship programme running from 2019 to 2022 for five (season 1) then eight (season 2) emerging professional songwriter-producers. The main aim is to support them in this new context and provide them with concrete, practical tools for solving problems, spotting new opportunities and coping with everyday life. Slash program features a range of networking opportunities, as well as learning, mentoring and coaching sessions with stakeholders from music industry.

Slash Program (season 1):
- December 2019: Develop an entrepreneurship mindset (7-days workshop in Nantes, France)
- December 2019: Showcase and conference at the Transmusicales festival (in Rennes, France)
- March 2020: Develop a "Slasher" mindset (5-days workshop in Athens, Greece)
- October 2020: How to be a musician in uncertain times (4-days online workshop)
- Mentoring and coaching session
- E-learning pathway

Slash Program (season 2):
- Mars 2021 - June 2022: coaching program (online)
- January 2022 - June 2022: inspiring meetings (online)
- September 2021: Author’s right and copyright workshop (Lisbon, Portugal)
- January 2022: Music 2030 workshop and songwriting camp (Nantes, France)
- May 2022 : Entrepreneurship / business workshop (Aarhus, Denmark)

Slash Program was co-fin­anced by the European Commission through the preparatory action “Music Moves Europe”.

Slash Program is led by Trempo with the financial support of:
- Region Pays de la Loire (Slash Program season 1)
- Ville de Nantes (Slash Program season 1)
- SACEM (Slash Program season 2)