
  • Bulgaria

It only took one hit in 2012, “Cash, Dia­mond Rings, Swim­ming Pools”, for DENA to be noticed by pro­fes­sion­als around the world. The most “Ber­liner of all Bul­gari­ans” has worked between Los Angeles, Lon­don and New York, col­lab­or­at­ing with Mocky, Mid­night Magic, Sean Nich­olas Sav­age or even the Nor­we­gi­an Erlend Øye (Kings of con­veni­ence). It must be said that her hybrid DIY-pop/RnB makes an impres­sion, car­ried by a non­chal­ant phras­ing that some­times reminds us of M.I.A. Ori­gin­ally inspired by the 90s, Den­itza Todorova has sharpened and diver­si­fied her pro­duc­tion with a more eth­er­e­al sound and cap­tiv­at­ing bal­lads. Her new self-pro­duced EP is sched­uled for the sum­mer 2021.