Niklas Runge

  • Denmark
Niklas Runge

Nik­las Runge has a good sense of bal­ance. His pop folk with rock accents can both be airy and take up a lot of space with grandi­loquence. In his texts, the Dane altern­ately wavers between romantic hope and des­pair, fol­low­ing the ups and downs of life. But there’s no need to hold onto when his pure voice trans­ports us to heart­break­ing flights, where influ­ences of Jeff Buckley and Thom Yorke can be heard. Released last year, his mel­an­chol­ic first album, “I know I’m not mag­ni­fi­cent” was his ther­apy to find his way after a dif­fi­cult time. A rather effi­cient meth­od: the multi-instru­ment­al­ist song­writer is already work­ing on his next record.