Marta Del Grandi

  • Italy
Marta Del Grandi

Marta Del Grandi has been tak­ing her tal­ent on a jour­ney for almost a dec­ade now, since this sing­er-song­writer draws inspir­a­tion from the places where she has lived: Bel­gi­um, China, Nepal. An epic where the dis­cov­ery of her inner world is as import­ant as the one that sur­rounds her to enrich her writ­ing. In this adven­ture, her soft and nimble voice remains her instru­ment of excel­lence, muscled by in-depth jazz train­ing, to adapt to more or less elec­tri­fied pop rock melod­ies. The Itali­an also offi­ci­ates in the audio / visu­al duo Fos­sick Pro­ject, the improv col­lect­ive Mos Ensemble and the Lapsus Lumine quartet.