Gisèle Pape

  • France
Gisèle Pape

As a Louis Lumière gradu­ate, Gisèle Pape is a true magi­cian of sound and image. She indeed devel­ops a rich uni­verse between the whirl­wind of disco balls and half-dreamed night land­scapes. Off-road and with such a strong con­nec­tion to nature in her music, she is logic­ally spot­ted by La Sou­ter­raine. In her fables sung in French, we can hear birds from Brazil as well as sounds of sub­ways recor­ded in Hong Kong. Bey­ond the synths and the gui­tar which rather echo Laurie Ander­son, Gisèle is part of a line of poet­ic song cre­ated by Domi­n­ique A and Franço­iz Breut.