

Behind Flo/so hides the new pro­ject of Flori­an Sauvaire. This French instru­ment­al­ist-pro­du­cer (and sound design­er) began his career in the United King­dom as a stu­dio musi­cian for artists such as Ghost­poet, Rox­anne Tataei, Will Joseph Cook, Pil­lars… It is with his duo Deafkid that he starts writ­ing and com­pos­ing com­puter music. He looks deep­er into his sound work with Flo/so where he mixes elec­tron­ica and pop, all scattered with mod­u­lated voices (his own). Alone at the helm of his drums and per­cus­sions, he cre­ates hyp­not­ic tex­tured music. His pro­duc­tions are already recog­nized on both sides of the Channel.