André Júlio Turquesa

  • Portugal
André Júlio Turquesa

André Júlio Tur­quesa is one of those who dis­arm us with dis­con­cert­ing ease. This multi-instru­ment­al­ist knows how to sur­prise us with his auda­cious — and some­times lush — folk, but always well orches­trated. He likes to knit the kind of music in which you can curl up with pleas­ure, embroidered with wilder jazz inspir­a­tions. A tal­ent for com­pos­i­tion already at the ser­vice of theat­er, cinema and tele­vi­sion for that mat­ter. And when he sings in Por­tuguese, Eng­lish or French with his fiery voice, his sin­cer­ity touches our hearts. His 4th LP is eagerly awaited and it has every reas­on to be: his latest record Orgônio is among the 50 best Por­tuguese albums of 2020.