Music and Tourism

25 April 2017

European Music Incub­at­or is con­sid­er­ing diver­si­fic­a­tion of activ­it­ies as a key-factor to diver­si­fy sources of income and to reach a wider audi­ence. Each part­ner choose one cre­at­ive sec­tor and worked on its prob­lem­at­ics with loc­al stakeholders.

  • Slash EMI
Music and Tourism

Music and Tourism

European Music Incub­at­or is con­sid­er­ing diver­si­fic­a­tion of activ­it­ies as a key-factor to diver­si­fy sources of income and to reach a wider audi­ence. Each part­ner choose one cre­at­ive sec­tor and worked on its prob­lem­at­ics with loc­al stakeholders.

Lab 852 (Zagreb/Croatia) choose the them­at­ic « music & tour­ism ». The fol­low­ing is a quick state of play of this cre­at­ive sector.

Croa­tia is at the top of the EU coun­tries’ list of tour­ism shares in GDP. Accord­ing to WTTC, in 2016. Croa­tia had 24,7 % travel & tourism’s total con­tri­bu­tion share in GDP with pre­dic­tions to grow for anoth­er 6% in 2017. EU aver­age was 10,2, where the share of tra­di­tion­al European tour­ist super­powers’ ranges from 8,9 in France to 11,1 in Italy.

These are good indic­at­ors for poten­tial investors in the industry, but eco­nom­ic ana­lysts warn us that Croa­tian flat­ter­ing num­bers could be com­pared with Thai­l­and, Mal­dives or Seychelles which in addi­tion to high share of tour­ism in GDP, also have one oth­er thing in com­mon: they are coun­tries with huge social dif­fer­ences and a large num­ber of poor people.

While our pro­ject is not deal­ing with the change of nation­al GDP’s struc­ture yet, we would like to explore the role of a tour­ism as the main driv­ing force for the wider eco­nomy. Par­ti­cipants of the pro­gram are expec­ted to work with the tools of social ima­gin­a­tion and new tech­no­lo­gies and to dig into music & tourism’s trans­form­at­ive poten­tial for loc­al communities.