Few news from Tallinn: first collaborative meeting last august

27 September 2017

Back to the first EMI col­lab­or­at­ive meet­ing last august by The Unileky Boy (EMI’s artist for Nantes/France).

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Few news from Tallinn: first collaborative meeting last august

Few news from Tallinn: first collaborative meeting last august

Back to the first EMI col­lab­or­at­ive meet­ing last august by The Unileky Boy (EMI’s artist for Nantes/France).

?? ?? Totally exhausted but everything is going very well, many amaz­ing meet­ings and people, no end­ing con­ver­sa­tions about music, Europe, our respect­ive sim­il­ar­it­ies and dif­fer­ences, hopes and fears, all this shar­ing, all these lan­guages, a very inter­est­ing work­shop about digit­al teach­ing, many beers, bars, res­taur­ants, parties, this after­work in an hip­ster bike shop, mys­ter­i­ous food, wear­ing winter clothes in August, this beau­ti­ful atmo­spher­ic live set by Argo Vals in his rehears­al squat-like build­ing, all this fas­cin­at­ing post-sovi­et­ic-raw-urb­an archi­tec­ture, nature, low dens­ity, space, air, calm, these streets so clean, the cost of liv­ing so low, everything going slowly, at a human rythm, the Balt­ic sea, this karaoke stuff, these fant­ast­ic empty cheap night clubs, this ter­rible rus­si­an wed­ding all night long at the hotel, all these smiles and laughs, the tra­di­tion­al cos­tumes, this polite­ness, the best open-spaces I’ve ever seen (you even put sleep­ers to enter…), wifi work­ing every­where, very nice inde­pend­ent events in fas­cin­at­ing altern­at­ive ven­ues, not crowded, with an incred­ible spir­it of free­dom, a taste of futur­ism, this good­will, so many trendy cool places that you can­’t nev­er choose one, a mix of sim­pli­city, com­mon sense and fluid­ity I did­n’t thought could actu­ally exist some­where. Thanks #EMI, I nev­er did Erasmus, but through this pro­ject I even­tu­ally have a taste of what it can be like, how it can affect people and why it is so important.?? ??

Few news from Tallinn: first collaborative meeting last august Few news from Tallinn: first collaborative meeting last august Few news from Tallinn: first collaborative meeting last august Few news from Tallinn: first collaborative meeting last august Few news from Tallinn: first collaborative meeting last august Few news from Tallinn: first collaborative meeting last august