Workshop #4 — Music and Brands

15 May 2018

Work­shop #4 was all about music and brands. There­fore the musi­cians gathered at Trem­polino in Nantes to work on that top­ic. Dur­ing the two days on the 11th and 12th of Decem­ber 2017 the issues of what a brand is, how musi­cians can cre­ate and build up their own brand as well as what it means to work togeth­er with brands and com­pan­ies was on the agenda. Brands are turn­ing into con­tent pro­viders and often lack to gen­er­ate new con­tent on their own. The beau­ti­ful advant­age of arts and music is, that there is nev­er too less con­tent. Artist­ic products gen­er­ate end­lessly. Musi­cians can take advant­age of that set­ting since com­pan­ies real­ized to be appeal­ing to their con­sumers-to-be, they bet­ter set up smart part­ner­ships with artists. For tak­ing advant­age of this, musi­cians need to under­stand the role of music in a brand strategy as well as their own value with­in that.

  • Slash EMI
Workshop #4 — Music and Brands

Workshop #4 — Music and Brands

Work­shop #4 was all about music and brands. There­fore the musi­cians gathered at Trem­polino in Nantes to work on that top­ic. Dur­ing the two days on the 11th and 12th of Decem­ber 2017 the issues of what a brand is, how musi­cians can cre­ate and build up their own brand as well as what it means to work togeth­er with brands and com­pan­ies was on the agenda.

Brands are turn­ing into con­tent pro­viders and often lack to gen­er­ate new con­tent on their own. The beau­ti­ful advant­age of arts and music is, that there is nev­er too less con­tent. Artist­ic products gen­er­ate end­lessly. Musi­cians can take advant­age of that set­ting since com­pan­ies real­ized to be appeal­ing to their con­sumers-to-be, they bet­ter set up smart part­ner­ships with artists. For tak­ing advant­age of this, musi­cians need to under­stand the role of music in a brand strategy as well as their own value with­in that.

Day 1 – Music and brands: a « win-win » partnership

Brands are now turn­ing into con­tent pro­du­cers and are cer­tainly on their way to become music’s main fin­an­cial sup­port­ers. Part­ner­ships are blos­som­ing out between musi­cians and brands, which are equally bene­fi­cial to both. Artists can take advant­age of the mar­ket­ing skills and influ­ence of a brand to reach a broad­er audi­ence, while brands can take advant­age of the artists’ aura to boast a story and gain a foothold in a more under­ground scene.

With­in that first day the musi­cians learned about what is a brand, the brand jar­gon and there­fore how to con­nect, to work with and for a brand. An import­ant pro­cess is also to reflect about how the musi­cians stand to reflect about their own pub­lic and audi­ence as well as learn­ing how to become a brand.

Workshop #4 — Music and Brands Workshop #4 — Music and Brands Workshop #4 — Music and Brands

Day 2 – being a brand: musi­cian as a brand

After the the­or­et­ic­al input of the first day, it was time to apply the skills in a prac­tic­al mat­ter. How musi­cians are per­ceived by their audi­ence reaches a lot fur­ther nowadays then « only » their music­al envir­on­ment. The devel­op­ment of his or her own brand is needed in order to work with of for a brand. On this second day the musi­cians focused on how to know and identi­fy their own pub­lic audi­ence. Fur­ther­more they cre­ated a strategy of how to approach poten­tial cli­ents by cre­at­ing visu­al pro­pos­als. By the end of the day the par­ti­cipants cre­ated their tool-kit for indi­vidu­al use to devel­op their own brand includ­ing the cre­at­ing of a mood­board, how to pitch in front of cli­ents and much more.