Workshop #5 – Music for soundtracks and video games

22 May 2018

The last work­shop with­in the learn­ing pro­gram of the European Music Incub­at­or brought our musi­cians to Gen­ova, Italy on the 29th and 30th of Janu­ary 2018. Dur­ing two days the them­at­ics of music for soundtracks and video games as well as the issue of licens­ing and copy­right was discussed. With the growth of demand in the mar­ket for ori­gin­al music to accom­pany film and video game soundtracks, it is inev­it­able for our musi­cians to learn about that with­in their jour­ney in the EMI as well. Togeth­er with the ment­ors Luigi Giachino & Aram Shah­bazi­ans from Italy two days were spent learn­ing about that topics.

  • Slash EMI
Workshop #5 – Music for soundtracks and video games

Workshop #5 – Music for soundtracks and video games

The last work­shop with­in the learn­ing pro­gram of the European Music Incub­at­or brought our musi­cians to Gen­ova, Italy on the 29th and 30th of Janu­ary 2018. Dur­ing two days the them­at­ics of music for soundtracks and video games as well as the issue of licens­ing and copy­right was discussed.

With the growth of demand in the mar­ket for ori­gin­al music to accom­pany film and video game soundtracks, it is inev­it­able for our musi­cians to learn about that with­in their jour­ney in the EMI as well. Togeth­er with the ment­ors Luigi Giachino & Aram Shah­bazi­ans from Italy two days were spent learn­ing about that topics.

Day 1 – under­stand­ing the con­text of the pro­duc­tion chain & licensing

With­in the first day of the work­shop the goal was to provide musi­cians with an in-depth over­view of the pro­duc­tion pro­cess of soundtracks for movies and video games. Musi­cians must be aware that, when writ­ing for audi­ovisu­als, the music they pro­duce must be func­tion­al to the vision.

Next to learn­ing about the pro­duc­tion pro­cess it is cru­cial to study about the dif­fer­ent inter­na­tion­al laws for licens­ing and copy­right as well. The musi­cians got intro­duced about how their music­al work is pro­tec­ted by law as well as vari­ous types of rights with­in the European level.

At the end of the day the EMI par­ti­cipants took part in a round table at «La Claque» one of the most vibrant places for cross­cut­ting artist­ic exper­i­ment­al events, where the award win­ning soundtrack com­posers, Pivio and Aldo De Scalzi, shared their exper­i­ences with the audi­ence and dis­cussed prac­tic­al examples.

Workshop #5 – Music for soundtracks and video games Workshop #5 – Music for soundtracks and video games Workshop #5 – Music for soundtracks and video games

Day 2 – vis­it to the stu­dio and hands-on mentality

After the the­or­et­ic­al impact of the first day the musi­cians worked in the Creuza record­ing stu­dio with the sup­port Luca Cresta and Clau­dio Pacini on improv­ing their skills in the stu­dio. Through­out the day the par­ti­cipants were act­ively involved in the con­struc­tion of a mini soundtrack pro­ject prac­ti­cing the know­ledge gained dur­ing the day and in the pre­vi­ous workshops.