Discover the mentors of our 5 chosen artists

21 November 2019

All along the train­ing pro­cess (from Octo­ber 2019 to April 2020), all 5 artists selec­ted for the Slash pro­gram will be ment­ored by a musi­cian chosen accord­ing to their career his­tory and their aspir­a­tions. Ment­ors will give them advice both about their artist­ic and career devel­op­ment. (re)Discover them below.

  • Slash Program
Discover the mentors of our 5 chosen artists

Discover the mentors of our 5 chosen artists // Découvrez les mentors des 5 artistes sélectionnés

All along the train­ing pro­cess (from Octo­ber 2019 to April 2020), all 5 artists selec­ted for the Slash pro­gram will be ment­ored by a musi­cian chosen accord­ing to their career his­tory and their aspir­a­tions. Ment­ors will give them advice both about their artist­ic and career devel­op­ment. (re)Discover them below.

Max­ence Cyrin (FR)

Max­ence Cyrin is a French pian­ist and com­poser based in Par­is. After gradu­at­ing from a Con­ser­vatoire de Musique he got enthralled by elec­tron­ic music. His first com­pos­i­tions and record­ings date back to the 90’s. His album Mod­ern Rhaps­od­ies was released in 2005, with his rein­ter­pret­a­tions of fam­ous elec­tron­ic tunes by Depeche Mode, Massive Attack, or Aphex Twin. In Novö piano, an album released in 2009, Max­ence Cyrin con­tin­ued to out­line his uni­verse, adapt­ing fam­ous songs by Nir­vana, Daft Punk, or the Pix­ies for the piano. Pro­du­cing a lumin­ous and vis­ion­ary sound, his cov­er of Where is my mind, which has had over 40 mil­lion streams on Spo­ti­fy, fea­tures in the soundtrack of suc­cess­ful Amer­ic­an series (Mr Robot, The Leftovers…). Fol­low­ing The Fan­tas­ist, an album con­sist­ing of pieces for piano, strings and syn­thes­izers, his Noc­turnes album, released in 2015, pays an homage to the piano, mag­net­ic pole of Max­ence Cyrin’s uni­verse, in ten eleg­ant subtle com­pos­i­tions. Well acquain­ted with the works of Satie, Chop­in, and Glass, Max­ence Cyrin makes most soph­ist­ic­ated mix­tures without ever los­ing his limp­id style. This very refined sim­pli­city led him to col­lab­or­ate with most pres­ti­gi­ous fash­ion houses such as Chanel, Lan­vin, Her­mès. A new album at Warner Clas­sics music is set to be released in March 2020.

Max­ence Cyrin will ment­or Marta Cas­cales Alimbau (ES).

Dorothée Han­nequin — The Rodeo (FR)

The Rodeo is the ana­gram of Dorothée, a sassy Parisi­an musi­cian and sing­er. She dis­covered music at the age of 15, when she found an acous­tic gui­tar in her uncle’s attic. After mak­ing a name for her­self with her first two albums (Music Mael­ström and La Musica del diavolo), recor­ded all over the world, she has recently released her third album Théri­an­thropie Para­dis. Influ­enced by the highly orches­trated European pop of the 60s and 70s, this new cre­ation fea­tures songs writ­ten entirely in French. The Rodeo has played in over 600 ven­ues world­wide (Europe, USA, Canada, Brazil, China, Korea, UK…), shared the stage with artists such as Mori­arty, My Bright­est Dia­mond, Ste­reo­phon­ics, Vil­la­gers, Nada Surf, The Do, Salif Keita and more, and par­ti­cip­ated in many music­al pro­jets (Mina Tindle, Panter­os 666, Con­verge, Bon Iver, Cocoon…). Her music has been syn­chron­ized many times (Ad Vit­am, Mafiosa, Panason­ic, Nor­we­gi­an Nation­al Lottery…)

Dorothée Han­nequin will ment­or Alice Hubble (UK).

Romain Lalle­ment — Len­par­rot (FR)

There are sounds that over­whelm. The voice of Len­par­rot is one of them, it leaves a strange feel­ing, like an aud­it­ory per­sist­ence, and dis­tils itself in the hol­low of the soul, from drop by drop of mel­an­choly and sweet­ness. Romain Lalle­ment is Len­par­rot. This dandy young man is one of the pil­lars of the pop scene in Nantes, which we met with Rhum Pour Pau­line, his pre­vi­ous band, or on the first album of Pegase. Since 2013, he has moved for­ward with a solo pro­ject that allowed him to build a nice col­lec­tion of songs whose intim­ate tones let the poin­til­lism pop of Dur­utti Column, Lilac Time or Young Marble Giants appear. His first album And Then He was released in 2017, mixed by Yuk­sek, with the appear­ance of Chris­tophe Chas­sol or Juli­en Gasc. He will soon be releas­ing his second album.

Romain Lalle­ment will ment­or Simone Tang (DK).

Mari­ama (FR)

Mari­ama was born in Sierra Leone but raised in Ger­many and later moved to Par­is. Her album Love, Sweat And Tears is inspired by her European and Afric­an roots. Part of an ongo­ing search for artist­ic free­dom and inde­pend­ence, the record’s four­teen songs cre­ate one of the most beau­ti­ful son­ic excur­sions intothe Soul of glob­al Folk and the elec­tron­ic energy of mod­ern R&B. Mari­ama is cur­rently based in Par­is and met most of the musi­cians who play on the album in the city, includ­ing drum­mer Georges Diémé (also a mas­ter of per­cus­sion instru­ments such as cajon, con­gas and udu), Abdoulaye Kouyaté (kora and gui­tar), Jean-Bap­tiste Soul­ard (key­boards and syn­thes­izer), Wendy Milton (piano) and the late, great bass play­er Hil­aire Penda (who has played on albums by Susheela Raman, Tony Allen, Salif Keita, Yous­sou N’dour and more). Addi­tion­al con­trib­ut­ing musi­cians include gui­tar­ist Sékou Bem­beya, Bal­laké Sis­soko (kora), Vin­cent Ségal (cello), and Ger­man sing­er Soufi­an Tsunami.

Mari­ama will ment­or J‑Silk (FR).

Grégoire Vail­lant (FR)

Grégoire Vail­lant is a french com­poser, pro­du­cer and artist­ic dir­ect­or. He star­ted music at age 5, study­ing jazz & clas­sic­al in French con­ser­vat­or­ies. He cre­ated his first band at 11. Crav­ing for oth­er ter­rit­or­ies than insti­tu­tion­al learn­ing, he switched to elec­tron­ic and indie at 20, rap­idly devel­op­ing his own voice. Grégoire had the chance to be involved in out­stand­ing col­lab­or­a­tions (Moongaï, Warner Music, Manchester Cam­erata Orches­tra Dj Snake, 20syl…). He is the founder of The Øpera Col­lect­ive, a multi-dis­cip­lin­ary European uni­on of cre­at­ives people from digit­al arts to theat­er, film or cham­ber music. They pro­duce large scale ori­gin­al & exper­i­ment­al shows about our time. He not­ably co-wrote com­posed and dir­ec­ted Le Jeune Homme & la Nuit a 2h Trans­me­dia Opera. Abra­ham Fogg is an elec­tron­ica pro­ject inspired by clas­sic hor­ror films with a mod­ern Live A/V.

Grégoire Vail­lant will ment­or Mar­tin Balt­ser (DK).