Mentor Patrick Cloherty at Slash

07 November 2018

Patrick Clo­herty will be with us at Slash on the 22nd of Nov. in the inter­na­tion­al pan­el about «Can music and brands form a real part­ner­ship ? ». Being also a ment­or for one of the musi­cians in the music incub­at­or for the last year, we are very excited to have him with us for Slash !

  • Slash EMI
Mentor Patrick Cloherty at Slash

Mentor Patrick Cloherty at Slash

Patrick Clo­herty will be with us at Slash on the 22nd of Nov. in the inter­na­tion­al pan­el about «Can music and brands form a real part­ner­ship ? ». Being also a ment­or for one of the musi­cians in the music incub­at­or for the last year, we are very excited to have him with us for Slash !

1) Can you tell us a bit about “Sentric Music”?

Foun­ded in 2006, Sentric Music has grown rap­idly to become a glob­al, award-win­ning inde­pend­ent pub­lish­er empower­ing both emer­ging and estab­lished acts. Artists registered with Sentric’s industry pion­eer­ing, trans­par­ent 28-day pub­lish­ing con­tract allows writers to retain con­trol of their copy­rights and tap into a power­ful, inter­na­tion­al, infra­struc­ture includ­ing dir­ect roy­alty col­lec­tion and sync ser­vices. Sentric Music now rep­res­ents more than a mil­lion works and over one hun­dred and fifty thou­sand song­writers worldwide.

2) What do you do as “Seni­or Music Cata­logue Manager”?

I rep­res­ent the pub­lish­ing and sync rights for record labels and man­age­ment com­pan­ies. This means I work with an incred­ibly diverse music range and its down to me to con­trol the pitch­ing and licens­ing of sub-pub­lished cli­ents such as Tool­room Records, Mod­ern Sky, Holy Roar Records, Full Cycle Records and Hero­ic Records. My job is to pro­act­ively pitch these cata­logues to TV pro­du­cers, advert­ise­ment agen­cies, music super­visors and film/gaming clients.

With­in advert­ising I’ve licensed our cata­logue to numer­ous sync place­ments for brands such as Adi­das, Mer­cedes Benz, Ford, Dolce & Gab­bana, Lee Jeans, Now TV, Corona, Hal­i­fax & John­nie Walk­er to name a few.

3) What is your thought on when it comes to cre­at­ing a true part­ner­ship between a musi­cian and a brand from which both sides can benefit?

Its essen­tial that both parties can bene­fit from a sync place­ment. Any­thing we license is always dis­cussed at length with the writers involved to make sure that they’re happy with the brand & deal involved. The bene­fit from an artists side is mainly a com­bin­a­tion of money and pro­mo­tion. Syn­chron­isa­tion is a really valu­able area of the music industry, one of which has become ever more import­ant with oth­er areas of the industry shrink­ing (mak­ing it much more com­pet­it­ive), but it can be extremely reward­ing when the right deal lands.

A deal can often be the moment a musi­cian is able to quit oth­er jobs and do music full time. Plus the added pro­mo­tion of their music being fea­tured mul­tiple times across dif­fer­ent media is great to gath­er new fans. For the brand it gives them access to a tar­geted fan­base. A lot for brands now real­ise the power they have with the abil­ity to provide sub­stan­tial budgets to musi­cians, so they’re look­ing to cap­it­al­ise on this and are intro­du­cing more dir­ect mar­ket­ing such as artists shar­ing products on social media to have access to a tar­geted fan­base. The best deals means every­one wins with a brand gain­ing access to fant­ast­ic music to help pro­mote a message/product and the artists bene­fit­ting from the income & exposure.

Mentor Patrick Cloherty at Slash

Links to learn more about Sentric Music:
Web­site / Face­book / Spo­ti­fy / Ins­tagram / Blog