About Slash, the European Music Convention

22 October 2018

Dur­ing the last two years with­in the European Music Incub­at­or we have exper­i­enced and explored the ways musi­cians inter­act with oth­er cre­at­ive sec­tors such as tour­ism, brands, video games, cinema, the digit­al field and teach­ing. The European Music Incub­at­or worked towards a bet­ter under­stand­ing of devel­op­ment of musician’s careers in the real­it­ies of today’s world as well as the pos­sib­il­it­ies for tomor­row. The final phase is Slash!

  • Slash EMI
About Slash, the European Music Convention

About Slash, the European Music Convention

Dur­ing the last two years with­in the European Music Incub­at­or we have exper­i­enced and explored the ways musi­cians inter­act with oth­er cre­at­ive sec­tors such as tour­ism, brands, video games, cinema, the digit­al field and teach­ing. The European Music Incub­at­or worked towards a bet­ter under­stand­ing of devel­op­ment of musician’s careers in the real­it­ies of today’s world as well as the pos­sib­il­it­ies for tomor­row. The final phase is Slash!

Why « Slash »?

The name Slash is a word­play to show how nowadays musi­cians need to be act­ive in dif­fer­ent indus­tries in order to diver­si­fy their work. See­ing that musi­cians can not only rely on income streams through selling music itself but need to diver­si­fy their income streams by work­ing togeth­er with oth­er cre­at­ive sec­tors: the musi­cian and cit­ies / tour­ism / brands / video games / cinema / digit­al. The « / » as the link and need for musi­cians to diver­si­fy their activ­it­ies to earn their living

Which are the links between a musi­cian and his city? The eco­nomy? The tourism?

Which are the links between music and oth­er cre­at­ive sectors?

What does it means when we are talk­ing about a musi­cian-entre­pren­eur at European level?

That’s why Slash: Musician/City/Economy/Tourism/Videogame/Movie/Branding/Digital teaching/Music business…

But Slash is not only about “slashes” in indus­tries but also on a per­son­al level. One per­son who has mul­tiple careers. The musi­cian as a com­poser / teach­er / graph­ic design­er / … The slash could go on and on. Slash is there­fore a ref­er­ence to the slash­ers. “The work­ers who have two or three jobs (or more), and who dabble in var­ied and some­times rad­ic­ally dif­fer­ent envir­on­ments, dare to go against the flow, do things very dif­fer­ently from every­one else, and juggle with cul­tur­al codes as well as pro­fes­sion­al iden­tit­ies…” (read more), or here)

For us, it made sense and it is a good ref­er­ence to our main sub­ject of this music con­ven­tion: the musi­cians and their need to diver­si­fy their activ­it­ies to earn their living.

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