Slash 1 is over ! Relive the last workshop of season 1

03 December 2020

Des­pite the ups and downs linked to the European health situ­ation (French restric­tions and the inab­il­ity to travel), the Slash team bounced back to trans­form and adapt this work­shop to an online format.

  • Slash Program
Slash 1 is over ! Relive the last workshop of season 1

Slash 1 is over ! Relive the last workshop of season 1

Des­pite the ups and downs linked to the European health situ­ation (French restric­tions and the inab­il­ity to travel), the Slash team bounced back to trans­form and adapt this work­shop to an online format.

The artists were there­fore able to work and reflect on vari­ous themes dir­ectly linked to the Cov­id crisis, such as livestream — tech­nic­al setup with Hans-Paul Landriève from Stu­di­oVolume, stage pres­ence and act­ing with the cho­reo­graph­er Béné­dicte Le Lay — as well as well-being and health of the musi­cian dur­ing this peri­od of uncer­tainty with the natur­o­path Sandrine Bileci. They also had the oppor­tun­ity to talk about reach­ing pro­fes­sion­als dur­ing this peri­od with Dori­an Per­ron from Groover.

Sev­er­al indi­vidu­al meet­ings were also sched­uled by video­con­fer­ence (except for the French artist Joanna who was the only one able to travel). Quentin Gau­vin, for example, dis­cussed with the artists their stream­ing strategy in times of Cov­id, Hans-Paul, for his part, advised them on their com­mu­nic­a­tion. Pablo Cam­ino and Phil Mor­ris were also able to speak with cer­tain artists about their respect­ive expert­ise. Finally, Ber­trand Lacroix worked with Sandrine Bileci to pre­pare healthy recipes that artists can pre­pare eas­ily and that are adap­ted to their needs (tour­ing, stress, quick meals, etc.).

To end this sea­son 1, the Slash team is cur­rently work­ing on all the tools and recom­mend­a­tions that came out of this intense & enrich­ing pro­gram. Stay tuned!

Here is a ret­ro­spect­ive on this last work­shop which closes sea­son 1 of Slash.

Slash Pro­gram
Filmed in Octo­ber 2020, at Trempo, Nantes (FR)
Slash / sea­son 1 is co-fin­anced by the European Uni­on through its Cre­at­ive Europe pro­gram (Music Moves Europe), Nantes Métro­pole and the région Pays de la Loire.
Film dir­ect­ing: Ben­jamin Pinard et Sylvain Chantal
Images: Ben­jamin Pinard
Edit­ing: Ben­oît Sylvère
Pho­tos: Gregg Bréh­in et Dav­id Gallard
Trans­la­tion: Cor­alie Le Falher
Music: J‑Silk, Bring me Joy (Louis Gaffn­er & Joanna Rives / Label Groovin’Crew/Rising Bird)