Joanna Rives

03 November 2020

Along­side four oth­er European artists, Joanna Rives was chosen to be part of the Slash Pro­gram, a Trem­polino pro­ject, back in Novem­ber 2019. Des­pite the can­cel­la­tion of the MIL Fest­iv­al in Lis­bon and the MaMA fest­iv­al in Par­is, where the last work­shop should have taken place, the J‑Silk’s sing­er has fin­ished her work­shop in Nantes from Octo­ber 14th to 16th. “Face-to-face” , as we have come to say these days…

  • Slash Program
Joanna Rives

Along­side four oth­er European artists, Joanna Rives was chosen to be part of the Slash Pro­gram, a Trem­polino pro­ject, back in Novem­ber 2019. Des­pite the can­cel­la­tion of the MIL Fest­iv­al in Lis­bon and the MaMA fest­iv­al in Par­is, where the last work­shop should have taken place, the J‑Silk’s sing­er has fin­ished her work­shop in Nantes from Octo­ber 14th to 16th. “Face-to-face” , as we have come to say these days

In quick suc­ces­sion, Joanna Rives found out that her show at « FGO-Bar­bara », where she would have per­formed as part of the MaMA fest­iv­al, had been can­celled. The same thing occurred for her appear­ance at the “Bars en Trans” that should have taken place in Decem­ber. Nowadays, most artists and musi­cians have to deal with the same issues but they choose to cope dif­fer­ently. The Bor­delaise sing­er decided to escape for a few days in a little vil­lage called « Ango­isse » (“anguish” in French).

She planned some Nor­d­ic baths, forest walks and reflex­ion on the future of her music­al pro­ject. The musi­cians from the band J‑Silk, com­posed of Joanna (gui­tar, synth, singing), Louis (bass, synth, choir) and Didi­er (drums, pads, choir), have planned to release an EP, Dream­ing Awake. Because of the unusu­al situ­ation, its release has been postponed…

In the mean­time, Joanna had giv­en up on the idea to fin­ish her work with Slash, the European pro­gram ini­ti­ated by Trempo, which should have come to an end at the MaMA fest­iv­al, from Octo­ber 14th to 16th. Luck­ily for her, Chloé Nataf, the pro­ject coordin­at­or, called all five Slash fel­lows and offered them to com­plete the pro­gram with sev­er­al work­shops organ­ized the day right after the MaMA fest­iv­al can­cel­la­tion. « It was a great sur­prise for me, said the J‑Silk sing­er. I thought that after the MaMA can­cel­la­tion, we were done with our work with Slash. Which would have been such a pity… But Chloé called me and I thought it would be nice to come back to Trempo, to fin­ish what we have star­ted. I am very lucky being French because I was able to get on a train and be here in per­son, unlike the oth­er artists. »

© Gregg Bréh­in

Stuck in their respect­ives coun­tries, Simone Tang and Mar­tin Balt­ser (DK) , Alice Hubble (UK) and Marta Cas­cales (SP) took part in the work­shops through video­con­fer­ences, from Octo­ber 14th to 16th. The five artists had relax­a­tion ses­sions with natur­o­path Sandrine Bileci, who also cre­ated recipes for musi­cians to improve their feed­ing routine, with the chef Ber­trand Lacroix. They also had indi­vidu­al and col­lect­ive work­shops on livestream with the com­munity man­ager Haus-Paul Landriève and the comedi­an, dan­cer and cho­reo­graph­er Béné­dicte Le Lay, and also per­son­al­ized inter­views with the label man­ager from Believe Digit­al, Quentin Gauvin…

Joanna Rives had the oppor­tun­ity to ask ques­tions to the stake­hold­ers about the delayed release of Dream­ing Awake. The hip hop, soul and elec­tro six-tracks EP is ready, as well as a metic­u­lous video clip dir­ec­ted by Amer­ic­an visu­al artist Rachel Seropi­an. « It helped to talk about all these prob­lems because we, as J‑Silk, are in deep reflec­tions, said Joanna. We have already delayed the release (of the EP) once and talk­ing about it with people with hind­sight, was really import­ant to me. But these are decisions that we will take ourselves , after­wards. It was a chance to talk about these issues in this tim­ing. » Joanna had just one regret at the end of her week in Nantes : her four Slash col­leagues were not there. « We have built strong rela­tion­ships in Nantes and Rennes last year and then in Athens in Feb­ru­ary. We laughed a lot. It was very inter­est­ing to inter­twine our dif­fer­ent vis­ions on music. And then, to only see them through a screen was par­tic­u­lar… It is a cur­rent situ­ation nowadays but I don’t know if we will get used to it… »

Noth­ing feels bet­ter than a hol­i­day to « Ango­isse » to wear off these thoughts.