SLASH 2: The selection process

12 March 2021

The Slash pro­gram selec­tion occurred in Janu­ary 2021 and was divided in two ses­sions. The selec­tion work drew on a spe­cif­ic cri­ter­ia grid as well as hours of listen­ing and read­ing the applic­ants’ work.

  • Slash Program
SLASH 2: The selection process

SLASH 2: The selection process

The Slash pro­gram selec­tion occurred in Janu­ary 2021 and was divided in two ses­sions. The selec­tion work drew on a spe­cif­ic cri­ter­ia grid as well as hours of listen­ing and read­ing the applic­ants’ work.

1. First task: listen & read

After receiv­ing all of the applic­a­tions, the work began. The Slash team star­ted on the one hand to dive into the read­ing of the 172 applic­a­tions and on the oth­er hand to cre­ate a playl­ist with all the can­did­ates’ music to send to the jury, as a first pre­lim­in­ary work. As Cor­alie Le Fal­h­er, the Slash pro­ject assist­ant, was focus­ing on the main cri­ter­ia, Chloe Nataf, the head of Slash pro­ject, eval­u­ated the matur­ity of the pro­jects and their match­ing — or not — with the pro­gram objectives.

2.The preselection

The first selec­tion round occurred on 12th Janu­ary and came out with a pre-selec­tion of 22 artists. The jury was com­posed of the Slash team, Chloe Nataf and Cor­alie Le Fal­h­er, Trempo’s music­al pro­gram­mer, Jos­selin Couteau and the book­ing agent from Via Pro­duc­tion, Lola Chevallier.

Some of the main cri­ter­ia were spe­cified in the Open Call, such as the neces­sary abil­ity to com­pose, pro­duce, arrange or also to jus­ti­fy media cov­er­age & pres­ence on social net­works. In addi­tion, the grid used for the selec­tion has been com­ple­men­ted with more detailed criteria: Cri­ter­ia Grid

It took the jury a whole day to pick the 22 preselec­ted artists.

“The work was also helped by the fact that we all had car­ried out a first listen­ing of all the applic­a­tions before. The applic­a­tions were mixed, and that’s good. Rather of music­al qual­ity even if the diversity of nation­al­it­ies and aes­thet­ics was not easy.” Josselin

The main goal of this day was to spot the best applic­a­tions regard­ing the cri­ter­ia and to start to draw a “good” Slash team, that is to say, man­aging to gath­er dif­fer­ent levels and devel­op­ment pro­files, dif­fer­ent aes­thet­ics, dif­fer­ent way of working.

Two oth­er import­ant cri­ter­ia were kept in mind of this preselec­tion jury: the gender par­ity (at least 4 final­ists needed to be oth­er than men) and the cul­tur­al diversity (at least 5 dif­fer­ent nation­al­it­ies from the European Uni­on needed to be rep­res­en­ted in the final selection).

3.The final selection

Before the final selec­tion, the 22 preselec­ted artists had to do a recor­ded short Skype inter­view of 10–15 minutes. Here are the ques­tions asked to each of them:

Can you intro­duce your­self and your artist­ic project(s)?

Would you con­sider your­self as a Slash artist/musician? If you do, why?

What are your expect­a­tions regard­ing this program?

What do you think you can bring to the team and to the people who will take part in this program?

The goal of this short inter­view was first, to see if they could under­stand and speak Eng­lish well, but this was also the oppor­tun­ity for them to express their motiv­a­tion and to explain how they act in a group work.
The final ren­dez-vous was settled on 22nd Janu­ary in Par­is, at the Sacem headquar­ters. The jury was com­posed of the Slash team, Eva Ménard, a visu­al and music­al artist from the Col­lec­tif Opéra, Thomas Coc­chini, mem­ber of the duo La Bot­a­nique and former selec­ted artist of Slash’s ancest­or: European Music Incub­at­or, and finally, Julie Pour­eau and Alex­an­dre Mahout from the Sacem.

The choices then became a little more com­plic­ated thanks to the preselec­tion jury.

“The level seemed to me qual­it­at­ive and appro­pri­ate in view of the Slash pro­gram. The pre-selec­tion was well car­ried out in order to pro­pose can­did­ates in align­ment with the inten­tions and the per­spect­ives of the artists’ diver­si­fic­a­tion. Finally, the pres­ence of can­did­ates from East­ern Europe (Romania, Bul­garia), where the music industry seems, in some aspects, less developed, proves that the Slash pro­gram got itself talked about.” Thomas
After 4 hours of debate on the 22 preselec­ted artists, the jury finally had its heart set on 9 finalists.

“I find the selec­tion rel­ev­ant: dif­fer­ent levels, dif­fer­ent aes­thet­ics, coun­tries, ages… Dif­fer­ent exper­i­ences that can be shared between them.” Eva

“I can­’t wait to see this selec­tion at work togeth­er” Josselin

Stay tuned!

SLASH 2: The selection process