Discover our nine artists selected for Slash-Season 2 !

19 February 2021

They were nearly 180 can­did­ates, from 23 dif­fer­ent nation­al­it­ies, for only 9 final­ists. We are proud and glad to present to you the artists who will fol­low Slash — sea­son 2, our European train­ing pro­gram, dir­ec­ted by Trempo with the sup­port of Cre­at­ive Europe and Sacem in 2021. Here are nine eclect­ic, demand­ing per­son­al­it­ies who write, com­pose and pro­duce today’s music.

  • Slash Program
Discover our nine artists selected for Slash-Season 2 !

Discover our nine artists selected for Slash-Season 2 !

They were nearly 180 can­did­ates, from 23 dif­fer­ent nation­al­it­ies, for only 9 final­ists. We are proud and glad to present to you the artists who will fol­low Slash — sea­son 2, our European train­ing pro­gram, dir­ec­ted by Trempo with the sup­port of Cre­at­ive Europe and Sacem in 2021. Here are nine eclect­ic, demand­ing per­son­al­it­ies who write, com­pose and pro­duce today’s music.

André Júlio Tur­quesa (PT)

André Júlio Tur­quesa is one of those who dis­arm us with dis­con­cert­ing ease. This multi-instru­ment­al­ist knows how to sur­prise us with his auda­cious — and some­times lush — folk, but always well orches­trated. He likes to knit the kind of music in which you can curl up with pleas­ure, embroidered with wilder jazz inspir­a­tions. A tal­ent for com­pos­i­tion already at the ser­vice of theat­er, cinema and tele­vi­sion for that mat­ter. And when he sings in Por­tuguese, Eng­lish or French with his fiery voice, his sin­cer­ity touches our hearts. His 4th LP is eagerly awaited and it has every reas­on to be: his latest record Orgônio is among the 50 best Por­tuguese albums of 2020.

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Dam­lif (FR)

“I always listen to the flows released by Jay‑Z, between two songs of Tom Waits”: here is a sen­tence that sums up Dam­li­f’s ref­er­ences rather well. The 21-year-old French man has been cul­tiv­at­ing his own style since 2017 by bring­ing togeth­er his taste for altern­at­ive music and rap. Still, it’s not easy to provide a por­trait without fall­ing into easy short­cuts. The best would be to listen to his EP “I, who dreamed”, where he explores the dif­fer­ent aspects of cre­ation (excess of con­fid­ence, doubt, stroke of geni­us…) on instru­ment­als with elec­tron­ic tend­ency. His next EP “Mar­celle” will be released in 2021.

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Dena (BG)

It only took one hit in 2012, “Cash, Dia­mond Rings, Swim­ming Pools”, for DENA to be noticed by pro­fes­sion­als around the world. The most “Ber­liner of all Bul­gari­ans” has worked between Los Angeles, Lon­don and New York, col­lab­or­at­ing with Mocky, Mid­night Magic, Sean Nich­olas Sav­age or even the Nor­we­gi­an Erlend Øye (Kings of con­veni­ence). It must be said that her hybrid DIY-pop/RnB makes an impres­sion, car­ried by a non­chal­ant phras­ing that some­times reminds us of M.I.A. Ori­gin­ally inspired by the 90s, Den­itza Todorova has sharpened and diver­si­fied her pro­duc­tion with a more eth­er­e­al sound and cap­tiv­at­ing bal­lads. Her new self-pro­duced EP is sched­uled for the sum­mer 2021.

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Flo/So (FR)

Behind Flo/so hides the new pro­ject of Flori­an Sauvaire. This French instru­ment­al­ist-pro­du­cer (and sound design­er) began his career in the United King­dom as a stu­dio musi­cian for artists such as Ghost­poet, Rox­anne Tataei, Will Joseph Cook, Pil­lars… It is with his duo Deafkid that he starts writ­ing and com­pos­ing com­puter music. He looks deep­er into his sound work with Flo/so where he mixes elec­tron­ica and pop, all scattered with mod­u­lated voices (his own). Alone at the helm of his drums and per­cus­sions, he cre­ates hyp­not­ic tex­tured music. His pro­duc­tions are already recog­nized on both sides of the Channel.

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Gisèle Pape (FR)

As a Louis Lumière gradu­ate, Gisèle Pape is a true magi­cian of sound and image. She indeed devel­ops a rich uni­verse between the whirl­wind of disco balls and half-dreamed night land­scapes. Off-road and with such a strong con­nec­tion to nature in her music, she is logic­ally spot­ted by La Sou­ter­raine. In her fables sung in French, we can hear birds from Brazil as well as sounds of sub­ways recor­ded in Hong Kong. Bey­ond the synths and the gui­tar which rather echo Laurie Ander­son, Gisèle is part of a line of poet­ic song cre­ated by Domi­n­ique A and Franço­iz Breut.

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Isa­belle Nguy­en (FR)

Isa­belle Nguy­en is a multi-instru­ment­al­ist who plays the key­board, the viol­in, the flute, with a good back­ground inher­ited from the Con­ser­vat­ory and the Fac­ulty of Musi­co­logy. But in 2016, she put “instru­ment­al vir­tu­os­ity” aside to throw her­self into com­pos­i­tion and work­around. From there, was born Yan­nis Le Bègue, who then became the bed­room pop elec­tron­ica group Enfant Perdu. The artist from Rennes (FR), exer­cised after­wards her tal­ents as a com­poser-pro­du­cer under the name of chh­hat as a beat­maker, and nina nina for her techno idm pro­ject based on clas­sic­al music samples. Isa­belle is a cross-dis­cip­lin­ary artist, pas­sion­ate about the visu­al aspect. She also pro­duces music videos — for her­self and for others.

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Marta Del Grandi (IT)

Marta Del Grandi has been tak­ing her tal­ent on a jour­ney for almost a dec­ade now, since this sing­er-song­writer draws inspir­a­tion from the places where she has lived: Bel­gi­um, China, Nepal. An epic where the dis­cov­ery of her inner world is as import­ant as the one that sur­rounds her to enrich her writ­ing. In this adven­ture, her soft and nimble voice remains her instru­ment of excel­lence, muscled by in-depth jazz train­ing, to adapt to more or less elec­tri­fied pop rock melod­ies. The Itali­an also offi­ci­ates in the audio / visu­al duo Fos­sick Pro­ject, the improv col­lect­ive Mos Ensemble and the Lapsus Lumine quartet.

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Nik­las Runge (DK)

With sol­id train­ing at the Con­ser­vat­ory, Nils Peschanski is an explorer who wears sev­er­al hats and knows no bor­ders. With Le Vasco, he trans­gressed elec­tro-pop. With Noflipe, he com­bined hip-hop, rock and funk. With Çhâñt Élečtrónïqùe, he reju­ven­ated the tra­di­tion­al song. With Glob­al Net­work, he mixed soul, R&B and house. These pro­jects have taken the key­board­ist-pro­du­cer across Europe to major influ­en­tial fest­ivals (the Trans Musicales in Rennes, The Great Escape in Brighton, Euro­son­ic in Gronin­gen). When not com­pos­ing for TV or cinema, the French­man teaches piano and com­pos­i­tion, always guided by a sense of experimentation.

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