Key guidelines about music promotion

23 December 2020

“I would advise not to neglect any aspect that surrounds the creative act. Composing beautiful pieces is not enough, especially in this time of health crisis when concerts are almost all canceled. Working on its messages and on its digital communication is essential today. You need to preserve and maintain a social media presence today.”

  • Slash Program
Key guidelines about music promotion

Key guidelines about music promotion

“I would advise not to neglect any aspect that surrounds the creative act. Composing beautiful pieces is not enough, especially in this time of health crisis when concerts are almost all canceled. Working on its messages and on its digital communication is essential today. You need to preserve and maintain a social media presence today.”

Sylvain Chantal, lecturer during the Slash program, season 1

The first step of the pro­mo­tion work is to define what and who you will pro­mote. To do so you have to define who you are, what is your uni­verse. Slash musi­cians cre­ated for instance their own mood­boards, try­ing to define in images and words their artist­ic core.
The ref­er­ences, col­ors, forms that you will put togeth­er in your mood­board will also allow you to work on anoth­er sig­ni­fic­ant aspect of your pro­mo­tion: your storytelling. The best way to pro­mote your artist­ic pro­ject is to tell its story to people. Storytelling will make people relate to you as an artist and not only to your music. Think of what you want to tell. Think of how you want to present it. Write down what you’re will­ing and not will­ing to share on social net­works, under what shape and what frame you want to broad­cast this narrative.

To show a coher­ent pro­file in your dif­fer­ent social net­works and to be able to pro­mote your­self, you have to pre­pare your bio­graphy, some pho­tos (HD, adap­ted to social net­works formats) and more gen­er­ally, con­tents to put aside and that you can share whenev­er needed or asked.
“It was great to work on my bio­graphy and to have the chance to work on qual­ity pho­toshoot. It’s always good to have con­tent in advance when you don’t have news stor­ies to share.”

Key guidelines about music promotion

Joanna Rives, selec­ted artist of the Slash pro­gram, sea­son 1

How to write an effect­ive pitch for social networks?
4⁄5 lines max­im­um in your “home” lan­guage and in English:
Who is the artist
Sim­il­ar artists
Keywords: chill, bedroom…
Key fig­ures (via Spo­ti­fy for artists, num­ber of fol­low­ers) You­tube views, num­ber of concerts…

Be present on social net­works, we can not emphas­ize this enough. Cre­ate a Face­book page, an Ins­tagram account, a Band­camp account, a Twit­ter and Tik­tok account if you wish. Fan engage­ment is cru­cial so you have to share at least a part of your life with your communities.
It’s import­ant to set a rhythm of pub­lic­a­tions, be organ­ized and if needed, pre­pare a sched­ule of your pub­lic­a­tions for each social plat­form. Feel free to make a copy of the social net­work’s sched­ule below, made by Stu­dio Volume.
Put aside some ideas of con­tents for when you don’t have any news to share on your artist­ic pro­ject. It can be ini­ti­at­ives you sup­port, inspir­ing con­tents, short texts, moments of life…

Key guidelines about music promotion

Here are some tools that you can use to sched­ule your posts:

Cre­at­or Studio
Applic­a­tion for pro­gram­ming Face­book and Ins­tagram posts and read­ing statistics
Man­age­ment of mul­tiple accounts

Applic­a­tion for pro­gram­ming and mon­it­or­ing Twit­ter publications
Man­age­ment of mul­tiple accounts
IT Monitoring
Digit­al marketing
You can also choose to pro­mote some of the pub­lic­a­tions you post on
Face­book through Face­book ads Man­ager — overview
You­tube cam­paigns through Google Ads

Cre­ate your own social plat­form to build your fan­base & community.

Mailchimp is an all-in-one mar­ket­ing plat­form that helps you man­age and talk to cli­ents, cus­tom­ers, and oth­er inter­ested parties. Their approach to mar­ket­ing focuses on con­tact man­age­ment prac­tices, designed cam­paigns, and data analysis.

Brave bison
This app helps you to find what con­tent to share with what audi­ence. Online video dis­tri­bu­tion, sourcing, audi­ence engage­ment, and monetization.

Super­Phone enables you to build per­son­al rela­tion­ships with your audi­ence with indi­vidu­al mes­saging cap­ab­il­it­ies. Advanced ana­lyt­ics to track your text mes­sage mar­ket­ing per­form­ance, rev­en­ue, and more.

Groover allows you to con­tact music pro­fes­sion­als (media & labels) to have feed­backs on your work.

Key guidelines about music promotion