“Music 2030” workshop report

01 February 2022

“I think the pro­gram of this week get us to be more aware of the future of music. It opened a lot of hori­zons and pos­sib­il­it­ies as artist that we would not think of.” Isa­belle Nguyen “I was really happy to be ini­ti­ated to sub­jects like AI or NFTs that I would nev­er have been inter­ested oth­er­wise, and it was the per­fect way to explore them. It was really inspir­ing, and rich to see all these ways to prac­tice music, and it pushes us to ask ourselves the good ques­tions on how we want to make our music.” Gisèle Pape

  • Slash Program
“Music 2030” workshop report

“Music 2030” workshop report

“I think the pro­gram of this week get us to be more aware of the future of music. It opened a lot of hori­zons and pos­sib­il­it­ies as artist that we would not think of.” Isa­belle Nguyen

“I was really happy to be ini­ti­ated to sub­jects like AI or NFTs that I would nev­er have been inter­ested oth­er­wise, and it was the per­fect way to explore them. It was really inspir­ing, and rich to see all these ways to prac­tice music, and it pushes us to ask ourselves the good ques­tions on how we want to make our music.” Gisèle Pape

The second work­shop “Music 2030” of the Slash pro­gram is now over. It is now the oppor­tun­ity to share the high­lights and the pho­tos of this intense week.

Slash artists star­ted the week with Thomas Coch­ini (from Labot­a­nique) and with a vis­it of the Ile de Nantes by Sandrine Berni­er. They man­age, after 1 day of work­shop, to work by pair on a sound walk exper­i­ence in an assigned place in Quart­i­er de la créa­tion in Nantes. On Fri­day night, the Dan­ish artist Nik­las Runge per­formed at the Hôtel de France for a spe­cial intim­ate moment with only piano & voice. On Sunday night, every­one went to Hyper­cube to dis­cov­er what VR and AR exper­i­ence look like. These days were fol­lowed by a work on beat­mak­ing and pro­duc­tion with Shkyd. On Monday, the Slash artists met Adrien Ohan­nes­si­an from Renais­sance NFT to talk about the block­chain & the metavers, and then, with Gwenn Sharp from The Green Room to talk about the imple­ment­a­tion of sus­tain­able devel­op­ment in their careers. Finally, on Tues­day they worked with Flore on remix and on Wed­nes­day, they met Celine Gar­cia and Skygge to talk about arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence in composition.

On Tues­day 18, Flo/so and DENA were invited by eura­dio to talk about the Slash pro­gram and their career as European artists : read the art­icle, or listen to the podcast :

Photo : Mar­gaux Martin’s