Music 2030 : designing the contours of what tomorrow’s musician will be

13 January 2022

Des­pite a non favour­able health con­text, the Slash 2 pro­gramme con­tin­ues with the second “Music 2030” work­shop. The object­ive of this intense week is to exper­i­ment with new approaches of cre­ation, diver­si­fic­a­tion of activ­it­ies, tools and prac­tices in order to draw the con­tours of what tomor­row’s musi­cian will be.

  • Slash Program
Music 2030 : designing the contours of what tomorrow’s musician will be

Music 2030 : designing the contours of what tomorrow’s musician will be

Des­pite a non favour­able health con­text, the Slash 2 pro­gramme con­tin­ues with the second “Music 2030” work­shop. The object­ive of this intense week is to exper­i­ment with new approaches of cre­ation, diver­si­fic­a­tion of activ­it­ies, tools and prac­tices in order to draw the con­tours of what tomor­row’s musi­cian will be.
How to cre­ate for tour­ism? How to seize the NFT’s concept and cre­ate a per­son­al­ized strategy around this new use? How to diver­si­fy one’s sources of income and means of com­mu­nic­a­tion through the cre­ation of remixes and beat­mak­ing activ­it­ies? How to use arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence to cre­ate and be inspired? How to integ­rate sus­tain­able devel­op­ment into your career and tour­ing strategy?

These are the ques­tions we will have to answer dur­ing the week. To do this, hybrid edu­ca­tion­al meth­ods will be used, mix­ing meet­ings, indi­vidu­al appoint­ments, con­fer­ences, prac­tices and stu­dio cre­ations. Artists will have the chance to meet experts and inspir­ing artists such as Flore, Thomas Coch­ini, Shkyd, Adrien Ohan­nes­si­an, Gwen­dol­enn Sharp, Céline Gar­cia and Skygge.

The Slash artists — André Julio Tur­quesa, Dena, Flo/so, Gisèle Pape, Isa­belle Nguy­en, Marta del Grandi, Nik­las Runge and Nils Peschanski — will arrive from Porto, Ber­lin, Mil­an, Aar­hus and oth­er cit­ies in France on Thursday 13 Janu­ary for a week of train­ing, com­pos­i­tion exer­cises and oth­er dis­cov­er­ies! All the pro­gram details below :

Friday 14 January

8:30am — 9am
Intro­duc­tion of the week by Chloé Nataf, Slash pro­ject manager.

9am — 6pm
Meet­ing and work­shop with Thomas Cochini.

Selec­ted artist for the EMI pro­gram — ancest­or of Slash -, Thomas is a mem­ber of the duo LaBot­a­nique. With his col­league Ron­an, they man­aged to find a bal­ance between their albums pro­duc­tion, cul­tur­al medi­ation activ­it­ies and also, some work at the city tour­ism department’s ser­vice. As an example, they worked on guided sound walks in the city of Nantes. He will share his career and he will accom­pany the Slash­ers in this work­shop to com­pose with some geo­graph­ic­al, con­tex­tu­al and sound constraints.

Nik­las Runge’s show­case at the Hôtel de France.

Music 2030 : designing the contours of what tomorrow’s musician will be

Saturday 15 January

8:30am — 5pm
Next part of the work­shop with Thomas Cochini

6pm — 8pm
AR and VR tests at Hypercube
2 hours to try AR and VR games and sim­u­lat­ors with head­set mater­i­al at Hyper­cube stu­di­os.

Music 2030 : designing the contours of what tomorrow’s musician will be

Sunday 16 January

10am — 6pm
Beat­mak­ing with Shkyd — work in studio
Juli­en Jaubert, aka Shkyd, is an author, pro­du­cer, per­former, DJ and journ­al­ist. He is involved in the French rap sphere and also co-cre­ated the CURA col­lect­ive for the Health of Artists and Music Professionals.
He will spend this day to work on pro­duc­tion, beat­mak­ing and to give some guidelines and advice to the Slashers.

Monday 17 January

10am — 4pm
Present­a­tion of NFTs and work on an NFT strategy with Adrien Ohan­nes­si­an from Renaissance
Adrien is the founder of Renais­sance NFT : an agency ded­ic­ated to sup­port­ing cre­at­ors and artists on the web3! Adrien worked for 12 years in the music industry. He sup­por­ted artists and labels through their busi­ness’ digit­al­iz­a­tion at Because, Believe and Uni­ver­sal Music where he led the innov­a­tion depart­ment. He will explain what are NFTs, what they can do and also, how to seize this oppor­tun­ity in each of the pro­jects of the Slashers.

4:30pm — 6pm
How to insert sus­tain­able devel­op­ment in an artist’s car­rer with Gwen­dol­enn Sharp from The Green Room
Gwen­dol­enn Sharp is the founder of The Green Room, a non-profit organ­isa­tion devel­op­ing strategies for envir­on­ment­al and social change in the music industry. She has worked with cul­tur­al insti­tu­tions, fest­ivals and envir­on­ment­al NGOs in Poland, France, Ger­many and Tunisia and has diverse exper­i­ence in con­cert pro­duc­tion, tour man­age­ment, pro­ject design, inter­na­tion­al cooper­a­tion and devel­op­ing tools and strategies. Since 2016, she co-cre­ates solu­tions with asso­ci­ated musi­cians and tech­ni­cians towards low-car­bon tour­ing, car­ry­ing out assess­ments, aware­ness-rais­ing and oper­a­tion­al train­ing regard­ing sus­tain­able prac­tices for the cul­tur­al sec­tor. She will present her work col­lect­ively on Monday and she will try to help find solu­tions to the issues the Slash­ers may encounter indi­vidu­ally on Tuesday.

Music 2030 : designing the contours of what tomorrow’s musician will be Music 2030 : designing the contours of what tomorrow’s musician will be

Tuesday 18 January

9am — 4pm
Remix with Flore — work in studio
Flore is an elec­tron­ic French artist and also an Ableton cer­ti­fied train­er. She will spend this day to give guidelines & tips regard­ing remixes. She will spend some time indi­vidu­ally with every Slash­er, no mat­ter their level, and try to help them pro­gress in this exercise.
30min dur­ing the day
Indi­vidu­al meet­ing with Gwen­dol­enn Shar

Wednesday 19 January

10am — 6pm
Artific­al intel­li­gence as a help to com­pose with Celine Gar­cia and Skyyge.
Céline is a man­ager & pub­lish­er of innov­at­ive music­al pro­jects in the label she co-foun­ded, Pup­pet Mas­ter. She works among oth­ers with Ben­oît Car­ré, aka Skygge, who works at Spo­ti­fy Lab to test AI soft­ware in order to help arrange music. Céline will explain her work and Ben­oît will invite the Slash­ers to test the dif­fer­ent soft­wares he’s using.

Photos : Margaux Martin’s, Trempo