These are the questions we will have to answer during the week. To do this, hybrid educational methods will be used, mixing meetings, individual appointments, conferences, practices and studio creations. Artists will have the chance to meet experts and inspiring artists such as Flore, Thomas Cochini, Shkyd, Adrien Ohannessian, Gwendolenn Sharp, Céline Garcia and Skygge.
The Slash artists — André Julio Turquesa, Dena, Flo/so, Gisèle Pape, Isabelle Nguyen, Marta del Grandi, Niklas Runge and Nils Peschanski — will arrive from Porto, Berlin, Milan, Aarhus and other cities in France on Thursday 13 January for a week of training, composition exercises and other discoveries! All the program details below :
Friday 14 January
8:30am — 9am
Introduction of the week by Chloé Nataf, Slash project manager.
9am — 6pm
Meeting and workshop with Thomas Cochini.
Selected artist for the EMI program — ancestor of Slash -, Thomas is a member of the duo LaBotanique. With his colleague Ronan, they managed to find a balance between their albums production, cultural mediation activities and also, some work at the city tourism department’s service. As an example, they worked on guided sound walks in the city of Nantes. He will share his career and he will accompany the Slashers in this workshop to compose with some geographical, contextual and sound constraints.
Niklas Runge’s showcase at the Hôtel de France.
Saturday 15 January
8:30am — 5pm
Next part of the workshop with Thomas Cochini
6pm — 8pm
AR and VR tests at Hypercube
2 hours to try AR and VR games and simulators with headset material at Hypercube studios.
Sunday 16 January
10am — 6pm
Beatmaking with Shkyd — work in studio
Julien Jaubert, aka Shkyd, is an author, producer, performer, DJ and journalist. He is involved in the French rap sphere and also co-created the CURA collective for the Health of Artists and Music Professionals.
He will spend this day to work on production, beatmaking and to give some guidelines and advice to the Slashers.
Monday 17 January
10am — 4pm
Presentation of NFTs and work on an NFT strategy with Adrien Ohannessian from Renaissance
Adrien is the founder of Renaissance NFT : an agency dedicated to supporting creators and artists on the web3! Adrien worked for 12 years in the music industry. He supported artists and labels through their business’ digitalization at Because, Believe and Universal Music where he led the innovation department. He will explain what are NFTs, what they can do and also, how to seize this opportunity in each of the projects of the Slashers.
4:30pm — 6pm
How to insert sustainable development in an artist’s carrer with Gwendolenn Sharp from The Green Room
Gwendolenn Sharp is the founder of The Green Room, a non-profit organisation developing strategies for environmental and social change in the music industry. She has worked with cultural institutions, festivals and environmental NGOs in Poland, France, Germany and Tunisia and has diverse experience in concert production, tour management, project design, international cooperation and developing tools and strategies. Since 2016, she co-creates solutions with associated musicians and technicians towards low-carbon touring, carrying out assessments, awareness-raising and operational training regarding sustainable practices for the cultural sector. She will present her work collectively on Monday and she will try to help find solutions to the issues the Slashers may encounter individually on Tuesday.
Tuesday 18 January
9am — 4pm
Remix with Flore — work in studio
Flore is an electronic French artist and also an Ableton certified trainer. She will spend this day to give guidelines & tips regarding remixes. She will spend some time individually with every Slasher, no matter their level, and try to help them progress in this exercise.
30min during the day
Individual meeting with Gwendolenn Shar
Wednesday 19 January
10am — 6pm
Artifical intelligence as a help to compose with Celine Garcia and Skyyge.
Céline is a manager & publisher of innovative musical projects in the label she co-founded, Puppet Master. She works among others with Benoît Carré, aka Skygge, who works at Spotify Lab to test AI software in order to help arrange music. Céline will explain her work and Benoît will invite the Slashers to test the different softwares he’s using.
Photos : Margaux Martin’s, Trempo